Tired of worrying about incomplete downloads on OTT, Netflix now allows users to watch partially downloaded content

Netflix has been one of the largest OTT platforms across the world. It is Netflix which has the largest regional content in the form of movies, TV shows, stand-ups etc. In India the rise of Netflix has been one of best things for binge watchers.

However, there are times when the internet connection has a very low speed and users have to suffer. Even though a user is downloading content for watching it during offline, it is not playable as it is partially downloaded. Netflix has introduced a feature where users can watch partially downloaded shows on the platform. At times when a user is stuck between poor internet connection and no internet connection, the feature will become very handy. As soon as the internet connection is back on track, the content which is partially downloaded starts to resume download.

The partially downloaded content can be viewed by users who are using Android devices (smartphones and tablets). Netflix has announced that it will be testing the feature on iOS devices. This feature is available for all Netflix users across the world including Indian users.

Netflix had also earlier introduced Smart Download feature for Android and iOS users. The smart download feature allows users to automatically download next episode of series, once you complete the current episode.

In a similar way the artificial intelligence of Netflix detects when you have watched an episode of a series and then automatically deletes it.

Currently majority of the Netflix users across the globe are eagerly waiting for the release of 5th installment of popular series Money Heist. Money Heist Season 5 Volume 1 will release on September 3. On the other hand the 2nd volume of Money Heist Season 5 will release on December 3, 2021.

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