TCS asks employees to resume work from office or face consequences; Gives final warning

TCS (Tata Consultancy Services), one of the biggest IT sector companies in India has asked its employees to resume work from office or face consequences. The company has given final warning to its employees and told them that strict action will be taken against those who do not comply with the deadline. The company has set a deadline till end of March for its employees to return back to work.

In an interaction with ET, Chief Operating Officer NG Subramaniam has told that they value the importance of work culture and want their staff back at office. He also highlighted security issues for the decision taken by the company. The COO expressed his concerns about the vulnerability at the end of employees as well as employers when it comes to work from home. The risk of cyberattacks and lack of control and security measures are possible while working at home. The final communication regarding returning back to office has been made and those who do not comply will face consequences, said the COO.

This attempt of bringing the employees back to office is a step taken by TCS to revive pre-pandemic work culture. The company plans to move away from the hybrid model work culture that was implemented during the outbreak of Covid-19. TCS had previously announced that after all its staff return back to office, a fourth of them would work from home by 2025.

TCS in its latest earnings announcement has revealed that 65 percent of its workforce have been coming to the office up to three days a week. Restoring the previous work culture is necessary for organizational growth, said Subramaniam. He also mentioned that as much as 40,000 employees joined and resigned from the organization during the pandemic. They did not have any offline interaction and this cannot be termed as company’s success, he added.

TCS has reported that attrition rate of 21.5% in January 2023 while it recorded 13.3% in December quarter. In the third quarter the company had 603,305 employees and it was a decline of 5630 as compared to the previous quarter. TCS along with other IT companies are facing the tough challenge to bring back employees to their office. A roster system has been implemented by IT companies and that requires employees to work in the office for up to 3 days.

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