Man locates his stolen Range Rover with the help of Apple AirTags

Toronto: There are times when technology has proved to be a helping hand in solving real-life problematic scenarios. Recently, a man from Canada was able to get back his stolen Range Rover with the help of Apple’s AirTags that he had placed inside the car.

According to AppleInsider, the owner of the SUV had attached three AirTag trackers in his Range Rover and it was later helpful to locate him locate the vehicle. Later on, the SUV was recovered by police.

The owner of the stolen Range Rover is Lorne (first name) and his first Range Rover was stolen a month ago. Then he purchased an identical unit to replace the lost vehicle.

The first unit was never found, as the thief threw the owner’s wallet and family members’ phone out of the Rover before driving off with it in an apparent attempt to prevent tracking.

“The thieves were able to disable the tracker in my car, put there by the manufacturer,” said Lorne.

These thieves were also able to steal the car despite him having placed his keys into a faraday box, which prevents criminals from remotely copying a key fob and mimicking its signal to unlock the car. Consequently, Lorne decided to place three AirTags in this second vehicle. He placed one in the glovebox, one inside the spare tire, and a third under the back seat.

On June 22, this SUV was parked away from the garage and at the very next day, Lorne was woken up by the news that his car was stolen. He was however able to use the Find My app to follow the car to a metal recycling plant in the nearby Scarborough district. Lorne was unable to contact law enforcement after arriving at the plant, which led him to drive to the police station instead.

AirTags let users keep track of personal items like keys, wallet, purse, backpack, luggage and more through the Find My app. It sends out a secure Bluetooth signal that can be detected by nearby devices in the Find My network. These devices send the location of your AirTag to iCloud — then you can go to the Find My app and see it on a map. The whole process is anonymous and encrypted to protect your privacy.

In case you are concerned about making your car safer from thieves, you can use Apple’s AirTags and stay carefree.

(With inputs from IANS)

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Apple AirTag
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  • Emeka

    Why wasn’t he able to call the police when he arrived at the plant??

  • Ak

    Apple Airtags what about range( distance).The specified range for few device are 100 could it possible.