How to protect yourself from fake apps that might empty your bank account

Smartphones have become an essential part of our everyday lives and there is do denial over it. Almost every person is dependent on his/ her smartphone for numerous reasons and banking is one of them. Depending on the need of a particular person, there is a wide availability of banking apps on Google play as well as on third party websites. However, downloading a particular application without crosschecking its sources can lead you in trouble and sometimes can empty your bank account. Hence, every time you download an application which is related to banking activities / recharge you should be cautious about it.

Some of the things which indicate that a particular app can be a counterfeit are as follows.

Battery drainage

If by any chance you download and app which is causing a severe battery draining issue, then you might have downloaded a counterfeit app. Battery draining is not a common issue for any app. There might be a possibility of that this app has a virus and will affect the personal data stored on your device.

Ratings on the Play Store

The ratings on Google Play Store are one of the most trusted sources to check the validity of a particular app. Before you download the app make sure to browse through the comments in the Google Play Store. The comments not only tell about the performance of the application but also the bugs that are generated in the app. The service from the app developers in case of any emergency can also be read in the comment section. Never skip to read the comment from the rating section of the particular app.

Spelling of the app

Kindly check the name of the particular banking/ recharge app in the play store before downloading it. If you find any anomaly in the name of the application, there are chances that it might turn out to be a fake one. Never, download such kind of app or else you might risk losing your hard earned money from bank account.

Counterfeit apps

There are many applications which are simply counterfeit of the original one. If you ever find any app which resembles like the original app, simply read the details of the app. By going through the details of the app, you can know about the developers, file size, version and many more. Make sure that to go through the details of any app before downloading.

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