Honor has recently launched multiple devices at the IFA 2024 which includes smartphone, tablet, smartwatch etc. The Honor Watch 5 has been launched in the event and it is the successor to the Honor Watch 4. The important features that are offered on the device include improved screen, improved battery endurance, more accurate health tracking, brighter screen, and much more.
The Honor Watch 5 smartwatch offers 1.85-inch AMOLED display along with 450 x 390 resolution. The peak brightness of the smartwatch is 1000 nits and it gets a 6-series aluminum frame that features a rotating knob. Along with that the smartwatch gets a speaker as well as a microphone for receiving calls. The Watch 5 gets IP68 rating for water and dust protection. This means that the smartwatch can be used while participating in sports activities. There is a GPS positioning on the device.
Honor Watch 5 gets Bluetooth 5.2 with 4GB of on-board storage. The users can store music playlists on the watch. The device gets Honor’s MagicOS 8 software support.
Important features like Honor’s Quick Health Scan, Scientific Sleep Management and Healthy Morning Report can help you manage your health.
The device is powered by a 480mAh silicon-carbon battery and there is a 21 percent boost in energy density when compared to the Honor Watch 4. Honor Watch 5 gets a battery backup of 15 days on regular use. When it comes to colour options, the Honor Watch 5 is available in Black, Gold and Green colour options. As of now, we do not have any update about the price and availability of the smartwatch.