Honor Magic 6 Pro has launched in India as the company’s latest flagship in India at a premium cost of Rs 89,999. The device first debuted in China in January this year. It has bagged five DXOMARK 2024 Gold Labels for its audio, battery, camera, display and selfie.
Specification details
It is powered by the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 chipset and runs Magic OS 8.0 based on Android 14 out of the box. The device features 6.8-inch 120Hz OLED screen with a resolution of 2800×1264 pixels and a peak brightness of 5,000 nits in HDR mode and 1,600 nits in high brightness mode with Dolby Vision Pro support.
The screen is made from nanocrystal glass, which the company says is the world’s first Swiss SGS labelled for five star drop resistance.
The Honor Magic 6 Pro is available in only one configuration with 12GB RAM and 512GB storage and is IP68 rated for water and dust resistant phone.
the smartphone sports a triple rear camera setup that includes a 50MP primary camera alongside a 50MP ultrawide lens that also doubles up as a macro sensor. However, the USP of the phone is the 180MP periscope telephoto camera that offers 2.5 optical zoom and 100x digital zoom. At front, the phone has a centre-aligned pill-shaped notch that houses a 50MP selfie camera.
A 5,600mAh 2nd generation Silicon-carbon battery with Honor E1 power enhanced battery powers the device. The battery supports 80W wired fast charging, 66W wireless charging and 5W reverse wireless charging. It also comes with two speakers with DTS:X Ultra support.
Price, colour options, sale
The Honor Magic 6 Pro is available in two colour options- Epic Green variant with a vegan leather back and a black version with a glass back. It will be go on sale from August 15 onwards on Amazon, explorehonor.com and authorised offline retail stores for Rs 89,999.