Here’s how you can Increase your car AC cooling

Now-a-days people almost all the cars have air conditioning in India as it gives relief from the heat during the ride. Especially in summer days, people like to enjoy a cool ride inside their car.

So most of the time, AC of the car is turned on and it keeps running continuously to provide cool air to the passengers. But, over time the car’s AC does not provide the cool air as it usually does because we forget to pay attention to the Ac of the car which in turn affects the cooling of the AC greatly.

The AC cooling of new vehicles is good, but as the vehicles get old, their cooling also decreases.

So if you want to increase the cooling of the AC of your car, you can follow these tips bellow: 

Wash the car side where AC condenser is installed

A simple way to increase cooling of AC is to wash the front side of the car, where the AC condenser is installed, with cold water.

Clean the blockage in compressor pipe 

You should thoroughly clean the blockage in the two metal pipes that are installed in the compressor of the AC of the car. The blockage in the compressor pipes also causes the cooling of the AC to decrease. This will help to increase the cooling of the car AC.

Get the car AC serviced 

Many of us do not get our car AC serviced for years which also affects the cooling of AC. Therefore, get the AC service done from time to time and at the same time you should change the cooling coil of the AC from time to time to increase the cooling effect of AC.

Keep the car clean

You should not that the dust and dirt from car gets accumulated in all the parts of the AC, which in turn affects the cooling. So car owners should clean the car regularly.

Automobile News
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