Google AI Overview shows former US President Barack Obama is Muslim, Company responds

Google recently introduced new AI-generated search results overview tool that was claimed to show results much faster and make the search engine smoother. However, it seems it is not that efficient as the company claims. The tech giant is currently facing complaints from all over the world over the false answers shown by its AI Overview.

At the time of launch of AI-generated search results overview tool, the US-based company claimed that the one-of-its-kind tool is capable of summarising search results for the users, so they don’t have to click through multiple links to look for quick answers.

However, the tool has provided false or misleading information to some questions, as per reports.MAny social media users have shared the false and misleading answers provided by the Google AI Overview. One users shared that the tech giant’s AI summary stated that former US President Barack Obama is Muslim. This is a huge misconception about him.

While another user posted that the search tool stated that “none of Africa’s 54 recognised countries start with the letter ‘K’, which is incorrect as Kenya is there.

The company has responded to all these complaints and said that the AI overviews for both queries have been removed for violating its policies.

In a statement, Google spokesperson Colette Garcia said that the vast majority of AI Overviews provide high-quality information, with links to dig deeper on the web.

Ms Garcia noted that several examples seen have been “uncommon queries”, while the company has also seen examples that were “doctored or that we couldn’t reproduce”.

“We conducted extensive testing before launching this new experience, and as with other features we’ve launched in Search, we appreciate the feedback. We’re taking swift action where appropriate under our content policies,” the official noted.

At the bottom, every Google AI search overview acknowledges that the “generative AI is experimental.” The tech giant has stated that it conducts testing designed to imitate potential bad actors as part of its efforts to prevent false or low-quality results from coming up in the AI summaries.

Also Read: OpenAI tries to tempt Google AI employees with $10 million paychecks

GoogleGoogle AI tool
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