Facebook changes its name to Meta: Know the changes that will happen to WhatsApp

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg made a announcement on Thursday that his company will have a new name, Meta. Though, Zuckerberg has said that the re-naming of business is only limited to parent company and the other apps like Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram name will remain the same, it will still have some impact on the subsidiary company, WhatsApp.

If you are wondering how it will affect WhatsApp, then read the article below to know.

As you know, if you start the instant-messaging application then it opens with a ‘WhatsApp from Facebook’ introduction now it will change to WhatsApp by Meta. This new change may not appear on everyone’s phone yet as it has not been rolled out for all users.

According to a report by WhatsApp-feature tracker WABetaInfo, the new changes are in the beta version of the application. The new change is expected to be seen in the stable version of the app soon.

The reports also added that there is another WhatsApp from Facebook label in the settings page of the app. The label is currently not available on the page for now.

Furthermore, some iOS beta testers may now be able to see the splash screen. The issue is expected to be fixed in the next beta update.

Also Read: Parent company named ‘Meta’ while Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram apps retain identity

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