Puri Jagannath Temple to become plastic and polythene free

In the latest development in the restrictions on the devotees visiting Puri Jagannath Temple is a ban on plastic and polythene. 

Puri: In the latest development in the restrictions on the devotees visiting Puri Jagannath Temple is a ban on plastic and polythene.

The Chief Administrator of the Jagannath Temple urged devotees and the various Nijogs to carry flowers or bhoga in baskets. He urged the people to use bamboo baskets or cotton bags.

He further said that people will be made aware of the new rules through social media and several other mass media. This will help make the Jagannath Temple premises clean.

Further it it worth mentioning that, no paan or gutkha shall be allowed in Puri Jagannath temple premises from January 1, 2024. There will be a strict crackdown on the tobacco consumers and a heavy fine will be levied. From January 1, paan or gutkha will be completely banned.

It is also worth mentioning that the dress code will be applicable from the same date. No one can eat paan or gutkha or spit inside the shrine. Nobody inside the temple, including servants, policemen, devotees etc. can eat Paan or gutkha.

There shall also be a ban on indecent clothing in Puri Jagannath temple from January 1, 2024.

Also Read: Jagannath Temple Dress Code: Tourists To Be Made Aware Of The Rules Through Hotels And Servitors

Jagannath TempleJagannath Temple In Puri
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