These tips can help you to reduce your electricity bill in summer

Amid the ongoing scorching heatwave condition, the electricity bill heavily costs the pocket as people use all source means to keep themselves cool. However, there is a way with which electricity bill can be reduced up to 90 per cent.

Once you start using solar AC instead of electric AC, the power bill will be reduced a lot. Users are gradually becoming interested for Solar ACs. The solar AC range is available in the market.

Like Electric AC, Solar AC is also available in 1 ton, 1.5 ton and 2 ton capacity. You can choose according to your requirement. Price of Solar AC is a little bit higher than the electric AC.  It has been estimated that electricity bill can be reduced up to 90 per cent with the use of solar ACs.

Here is the calculation. If you are using Solar AC and running it for multiple hours in the day as well as night still it will use 10 to 12 units of power. Accordingly, calculating at Rs 7 per unit, your bill for one day will come around Rs. 70 to 84. That means your bill for a month will be in between Rs 2100 to 2500. This is, if you are using AC for multiple hours. In case, you are using AC for fewer hours, the bill amount will fall accordingly.

Disclaimer: We don’t claim any accuracy in the power bill amount as depicted in the article.

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