New Zealand police answers 4-year-old’s call, reported “he have cool toys”

An amazing incident have come to surface, where a four-year-old boy of Wellington, New Zealand made an emergency call to the police asking them to come over and check out his toys. This incident prompted a real-life call out and an officer went to confirm that the toys were, indeed, pretty cool.

The audio of the conversation was posted by the NZ police on social media. Later which was circulated by many social media users on their pages. This encourage kids to call for help on times of emergency, and the whole event is too cute not to share.

The call begins with an official asking, “This is police, where is the emergency?” Following a small pause the boy says “Hi, Police lady?”

The boy then asks the officer to visit him and see his toys. The lady asks him where he stays and before he could say much, a man took the phone (seemingly his father) and apologized saying he was busy taking care of his sic wife and younger child, when the boy took the phone.

After the call ended, the lady informed the standing officer near the area to visit the boy and see his toys. “There is a 4-year-old there who is wanting to show police his toys, over,” said the lady officer on the command.

The standing officer responded, ““Yeah, I’m one-up, I’ll attend to.” The police officer identified as Constable Kurt, visited the boy and looked at his toys. “He did have cool toys,” the officer reported back after attending the call out, according to the police. “The lucky kid also got to see the patrol car and the officer put the lights on for him, too,“ they added.

New ZealandOffBeat
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