Man inhales cockroach and suffers bad breath for 3 days, see what happens next

Shockwave spread on social media after an awkward incident involving a 58-year-old man identified as Haikou from Henan Province, China inhaled a cockroach while fast asleep. He endured excruciating discomfort for days. As the discomfort grew stronger, he finally decided to seek medical help. The cringe-worthy incident sparked a whirlwind of concern and curiosity and has left netizens reeling in fascination .

According to the detailed reports, the bizarre incident unfolded in Haikou’s own home while he was sleeping peacefully. While asleep, he unintentionally inhaled a cockroach unaware of the forthcoming distress. After waking up he felt an creepy sensation as something was crawling inside his nose. As time passed the sensation seemed to migrate towards his throat leaving Haikou with a growing sense of uneasiness.

Despite having the slightest discomforting symptoms, Haikou ignored the warning signs and dozed off, hoping the sensation will wear off after sometime.
However, over the days the uneasiness grew stronger. A persistent and foul odor came out of his mouth with constant cough. The before ignored symptoms had evolved into a serious health concern. As per doctors the delay in seeking professional help from professionals has worsened the situation and allowed the foreign object cause more discomfort in his windpipe. After Haikou finally sought assistance from medical professionals, they immediately responded to the matter and performed a CT scan.

The reports revealed that a cockroach is stuck in his windpipe and needs to be removed urgently. The removal procedure lasted for an hour. By the time the foreign object had begun to decay inside the man’s windpipe. Fortunately the one long hour surgery was successful and Haikou was discharged from the hospital after a day’s observation.

Dr. Ling Ling who treated the man stated in a interview that he had never came across such a bizarre incident before. The health experts have warned regarding the incident and also advised General public to maintain proper hygiene to avoid such freak incidents which can harm someone’s health in a dangerous way.

Also Read: Follow these tips to prevent ants and cockroaches from your kitchen
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