Twin Cities of Cuttack and Bhubaneswar Soak In Yuletide Spirit

Bhubaneswar/Cuttack: The cold weather along with the crisp morning sun reminds us of the yuletide spirit setting in.

The appetizing smell of freshly baked cake and rose cookies fill every Christian household. Preparations for the birth of Jesus Christ are marked with pretty nativity miniatures.

Nativity Of Christ

When asked how she celebrates Christmas, Madhumita Patro, a professor from Cuttack says, “We look forward to Christmas since it is the only major festival for us. I buy new clothes for my family and distribute goodies among the underprivileged kids every year.”

The churches are abuzz with activities ranging from carol practice, fun games, secret Santa to bible lessons. Christians indulge lavishly in new clothes and unique cuisines.

Church Beautifully Decorated

Sidhant Behera from Cuttack said, “I look forward every year to the carol service on the 24th and the tasty food. Every Christian household has a unique flavour in their cakes and rose cookies”, he quips in. “I also love receiving gifts” he says as he parts.

The yuletide  spirit is felt even more as churches, christian settlement and chapels as they are decorated with pretty lights. The Christmas tree occupies a central position in almost all homes and churches. It is decorated with small nick-knacks and sparkling lights.

Church Decorated in Cuttack

A pastor at Bhubaneswar, Sasmal Rout says, “Christmas is celebrated by almost everyone these days. I have met many non-Christians who come to Church on Christmas and light candles and pray to God.” He adds, ” we donate clothes, blankets and food to the poor people every yer on Christmas.”

Kids look forward to the small surprise gifts that Santa Claus (their parents) places near the Christmas tree on Christmas Eve. There is a system of exchanging goodies with friends and family.

Huge Christmas shops have come up in the markets. These sell decorative stuff for the Christmas tree  and House. Christmas has almost obtained a secular nature. Many non-Christians are seen celebrating the festival and buying Christmas trees.

A shop-owner who has a stall in Unit-I market, Ramesh Majhi is delighted with the sale this time. He happily says,” the festival of Christmas seems to have undergone a major change. People from all religions are now buying Christmas goodies. It is a welcome development for us because our products are flying off the shelves.”

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