Shame! Mother of 1-year-old child gang-raped on Mother’s Day in Odisha

KalingaTV News Network

Rourkela: While everyone was paying respect to their mothers on the occasion of the Mother’s Day on Sunday, mother of around one-year-old child was gang-raped by two persons including a minor in Sector-7 area of Rourkela of Sundergarh district.

According to reports, the woman had gone to the market where she was offered a sweet by a shopkeeper. When she fell unconscious after taking the sweet, the shopkeeper along with a minor boy took her to an abandoned location and gang-raped her.

“My sister-in-law, mother of an ne year old, had gone to the market to put voucher in her mobile. We started searching her as she did not return even after two hours. We found her lying near a bush while a boy was standing there. When we asked him under what circumstances my sister-in-law went there and what he was doing there, he narrated the episode and took the name of the shopkeeper. We caught hold of both of them and handed them over to the police,” informed brother-in-law of the victim.

Later, a police team along with a scientific team led by Sector-7 Police station IIC Suryanarayan Das conducted an on-spot investigation and sent the accused and victim for medical test this morning.

“Family members of a woman lodged a complaint against two persons including a minor whom they had nabbed alleging that they had raped the victim woman. A scientific team conducted an investigation on the spot. We have sent the accused and victim woman for medical test. The accused will be forwarded to the court later today. Further investigation into the matter is on,” said Suryanarayan.

Meanwhile, the victim woman is undergoing treatment at Rourkela Government Hospital (RGH).

crime against womenCrime NewsLatest Crime NewsLatest Odisha NewsOdishaOdisha Crime NewsOdisha NewsOdisha Top NewsRourkelaSundergarhwoman gang-raped
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