Odisha: 3 labourers die in Jajpur as soil caves in during pipeline construction

Jajpur: In a tragic incident, three labourers died in Jajpur district of Odisha as soil caved in on them during pipeline construction, said reports on Thursday.

The contractual labourers died while they were digging the ground and the soil caved in on them. The labourers were asphyxiated and breathed their last.

The incident took place in Rahasa village under Kapila panchayat of Binjarpur police station limits. The labourers were contractual and were assoiated with a company.

All of them belonged to Bihar and Tamil Nadu. The locals and police reached the spot and immedaitely started  rescue operations. An investigation is underway in this regard. further detailed reports awaited in this matter.

Recently on May 3, at least two labourers were killed while another sustained critical injuries after the wall of a brick kiln collapsed on them at Nuagada under Patapur police limits of Odisha’s Ganjam district.

The deceased labourers have been identified as Sulabh Dora of Khuludi village and Saraswati Pradhan of Baladhia village.

According to reports, a group of labourers including some women were engaged for work at the brick kiln. However, a wall of the brick kiln collapsed on three of them leading to the death of Sulabha on the spot.

Saraswati and another person who sustained critical injuries were rescued and rushed to the MKCG Medical College & Hospital in Berhampur for treatment. However, Saraswati succumbed to her injuries in the hospital.

On being informed, the District Labour Officer along with a team of cops from the Patapur police station rushed to the spot and initiated a probe into the incident.

Also Read: 2 Labourers Killed, Another Injured As Brick Kiln Wall Collapses On Them In Ganjam

JajpurLabourersOdisha News
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