Negligence, human error reason behind Bahanaga train tragedy!

Negligence, human error reason behind Bananaga train tragedy, reveals report submitted by the Commissioner of Railways Safety (CRS).

Bahanaga: In a shocking revelation, the Bhanaga train tragedy allegedly took place due to negligence and human error, said reports.

Here are the few points that were allegedly contained in the report submitted by the Commissioner of Railways Safety (CRS). It is worth mentioning that the report has not been made public since this would cause issues in the CBI probe.

Here are few things that have come to the fore in the report:

  1. The staff in the signal relay room are allegedly responsible for the major Bhanaga triple train tragedy in Balasore of Odisha.
  2. There was allegedly a fault in the signalling and telecommunication department due to which the tragic accident took place.
  3. The report submitted by the Commissioner of Railways Safety (CRS) has not been made public since it would affect the CBI probe
  4. The report allegedly throws light on the fact that the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) was not followed by the signal relay room staff.
  5. The report submitted by the CRS to the Railway board shall be analysed in detail and then necessary action will be initiated against the staff. This detail has been published in a number of leading media channels across the country.
  6. The detailed report had been submitted by the South Eastern Railway Circle CRS A N Chowdhury and was then handed over to the Railway Board.
  7. It is further worth adding that, the CBI is conducting an in depth probe into the matter: (a)The CBI is checking if there is an conspiracy angle to the entire incident
    (b)And as to whether the incident was a pre-meditated and pre-planned sabotage
  8. It is worth noting that after the incident, as many as five senior railway officials of the South Eastern Railway have been transferred.
  9. The General Manager (GM) of  South Eastern Railway Archana Joshi has also been transferred and Anil Kumar Mishra has been appointed in her place.

One month have already passed since the deadly accident that took place in Odisha’s Balasore district. However, the horrific scenes are still fresh in the minds of people who eye witnessed the accident and its impact.

Nearly 295 people were killed while over 1,100 others were injured following a triple train mishap at Bahanaga railway station in the Balasore district on June 2. The three trains which were involved in the accident are the 12864 Bengaluru-Howrah Superfast Express, 12841 Shalimar-Chennai Coromandel Express, and a goods train.

BalasoreBalasore accidentodisha news todayTrain accident
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