Bonai: In a tragic incident, a man was killed in elephant attack in Sundergarh district of Odisha on Monday night. The incident took place near the Kulkuta village under Bonai Forest Range of the district.
The deceased person has been identified as Gobinda Munda of Kulkuta village.
As per reports, for the last two days a herd-less elephant was wreaking havoc in the Bonai Forest Range area. Accordingly, the officers of the Forest Department were making effort to drive away this tusker with the help of the villagers.
Yesterday night, when this operation was underway near the Kulkuta village, the elephant returned with anger and lifted Gobinda with the help of its trunk and banged on the ground in front of everyone.
Within no time, the forest officials rescued Gobinda and rushed him to Bonai hospital. However, the doctors there declared them brought dead.