Flight to fly from Rangeilunda airstrip to Bhubaneswar today

A non-scheduled 10 seater flight from Rangeilunda airstrip on the outskirts of Berhampur city to Bhubaneswar will fly today.

Berhampur: The first flight from Rangeilunda airstrip on the outskirts of Berhampur city to Bhubaneswar will fly today. A non-scheduled flight carrying nine passengers will take off from Rangeilunda airstrip to Bhubaneswar on the birth anniversary of legendary statesman and former chief minister of Odisha, Biju Patnaik. The preparation for the first flight and the work on the airstrip terminal has been completed.

In the initial phase, a 10-seater flight will take off from the Rangeilunda airstrip to Bhubaneswar. The airplane will fly to Bhubaneswar twice a week. In view of the demand and needs of the people, a decision will be taken to increase the number of flights and the number of seats in the second and third phase after the land expansion of the airport.

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