Athagarh: In a shocking incident, a domestic worker allegedly killed the lady house owner in Cuttack district of Odisha on Friday night. The gruesome crime has taken place in Panchagan village under Tigiria Police Station limits in Athagarh area of the district.
The accused has been identified as Kartika Sethy. He was the domestic help in the house of the deceased woman. He is a physically challenged youth.
As per reports, Kartika was the domestic help in the family. The lady owner had brought him to the house when he was ten years old.
The family members of the deceased has alleged that Kartika has killed the woman by slitting her throat for property.
It has been alleged in the FIR that he (accused) used to fight with the woman for greed of property.
However, meanwhile the accused, the disabled youth has surrendered at the Tigiria police station. Tigiria police reached the spot and started investigation. Further investigation of the case is underway.