Did you lose your PAN card? Here’s how you can get duplicate PAN card easily

PAN card is most important in any kind of financial transaction, it can be difficult for you if it is lost, cut, torn or erased. But this does not mean that you cannot make PAN card twice. We are going to tell you, how you can get PAN card made again.

The process of applying for a duplicate PAN card is very easy.

How to rebuild PAN card

  1. Immediately file a report with the police on missing a PAN card, after this apply for a PAN card with the PAN card number and the FIR of the PAN card lost / stolen.
  2. To apply for a duplicate PAN card, a person, community, trust, Limited Liability Partnership or HUF Tax Information Network can get their PAN card rebuilt.
  3. You can make a duplicate PAN card by visiting https://www.tin-nsdl.com
  4. If you want to download PAN card income from the website of the Income Tax Department, you can also do this
  5. Once the PAN number has been allotted to you, even after the PAN card is lost, you can download it online from the Income Tax website whenever you want.
  6. PAN number will not change on downloading a new PAN card, but you will get a new PAN card.

If the PAN card is lost or you have to apply a new PAN card, this work can be done online. If you want to download PAN card then its process is like this

How to download PAN card online?

  1. First go to www.onlineservices.nsdl.com
  2. After this, you fill the name, phone number and email information
  3. After this, submit the application form
  4. An e-PAN card will be sent to your email in PDF format.
  5. You can download the PDF file from your email
  6. NSDL will start the process of dispatching PAN as soon as all the documents are received.
  7. You will get PAN card in 2 to 3 weeks

How much will cost For a new or duplicate PAN card within the country, you will have to pay Rs 93 for Rs 93 + 18% GST. If you want to get PAN card abroad then for this you need 1011 rupees to be paid, which includes GST dispatch charge, etc.

(The Hindi version of this news was published by zeenews.india.com)

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  • Ashwani Singh

    nic info thank you sir