Bhubaneswar: The Bhubaneswar Commissionerate Police has conducted a strict check on all the hotels in the city, said reports on Tuesday. Keeping in view the Independence Day celebrations the checking has started.
According to reports, checking was conducted by Capital police station, Kharvela nagar police station, Shahid nagar police station, Laxmi Sagar police station and Badagada police station under the “Safe City Drive” yesterday.
During this inspection, the hotel owners were instructed to use the “Sarai App” and upload the details of all the persons staying in the hotel through the said app every day. They were also directed to download the said app and register all the details of the customers in it.
How many customers are there in the hotel, who has criminal relations with whom and all such things were thoroughly checked during the police raid in checking in hotels Bhubaneswar.
Controlling criminal activity within Bhubaneswar city and verifying whether the identity and address given by the customers in the hotels are correct was the main objective. It was also clearly explained that legal action would be taken against the hotel owners in case of any exception in this case.