Angul lecturer abducted, thrashed for preventing cheating!

KalingaTV News Network

Angul: Tension gripped Angul Government College On Friday morning after a group of students abducted and manhandled the Philosophy Lecturer Pradyumna Beura. The attackers forcibly took Beura a few Kilometers on their bike before dumping him near Hulurusingha Upper Primary School in the area and speeding away.

According to the Principal of the college Santanu Sar, he got information outon the incident at around 11 o’clock in the morning and immediately called up Angul Police. Police rescued the abducted lecturer from near Hulurusingha Upper Primary School located a few kilometers away from the college. However, the principal avoided the question regarding the identity of the students saying it would be clear only after the investigation is completed. On the possibility of the involvement of outsiders in the attack, Sar claimed nothing could be said right now as the CCTV footage was not clear.

College authorities have lodged an FIR with Angul Police and an investigation is on to nab the culprits.

On the other hand, the vice president of the college students’ union Amiya Mohapatra has hnted at the involvement of two non-students in the attack and abduction whom he spotted in college uniform during the incident. Beura was attacked with baseball sticks at around 11 o’clock in the morning before being driven away on a Bajaj Avenger bike right before his eyes, he added. Asked why he did not try to intervene in the matter, Mohapatra said he tried but had to back off after the attackers threatened him with dire consequences.

Beura, who was spotted with face and hand injuries, told the media tha, he was attacked for preventing a student from cheating during the examination a few months ago. That particular student was issuing threats to him since months, he added.

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