Woman of Indian origin sentenced to jail in Singapore for physically abusing housemaid

Prema S Naraynasamy, finally pleaded guilty to a total of 48 charges, mostly including voluntarily assaulting causing hurt to domestic help.

A 64-year-old woman of Indian origin was sentenced to 14 years of prison. She was sentenced to jail in Singapore. The sentence comes after the woman joined her daughter in torturing their house help. The house help, Don, was a 24-year lady from Myanmar. She died due to multiple injuries on her brain due to the assault.

The accused, Prema S Naraynasamy, finally pleaded guilty to a total of 48 charges. The charges mostly included voluntarily assaulting causing hurt to domestic help. The incident dates back to the year 2015 when Prema’s daughter, Gaiyathiri Murugayan, abused Don physically. Don succumbed to multiple head injuries in the year 2016, 14 months of continuous abuse. Gaiyathiri, aged 41, suffered from a mental condition and was sentenced to 30 years of jail in 2021.

The 64-year-old woman, Prena, joined her daughter in the abuse. The abuse included pouring or spraying water on the maid, kicking, punching and slapping her. They even grabbed her by the neck, pulling her up by her hair and “spinning” her head violently. Few days before her death, she was tied to a window and was assaulted if she tried to look for food in the dustbin. Reports claim that the maid weighed 24 kg when she died. When she started working for the family, she weighed 39 kgs.



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