Right to Nap! THIS Indian Start-up Company Announces 30-Minute Nap Break For Employees

The Covid-19 pandemic has disturbed everyone’s life and their daily routine. Due to the lockdown, companies even asked their employees to work-from-home. Where working from home has its own benefits it also comes with some disadvantages. With working hours increasing due to this situation, many preferred to take an afternoon nap break between work. However, now that the post-covid world is trying to come back to its normal state, people are finding it hard to work without a power nap.

Amid this, a Bengaluru start-up company has officially announced  a 30-minute nap-time for its employees during the workday.

On Thursday, Wakefit Solutions took to its official Twitter account to post two images detailing the ‘Right to Nap’ and the times when employees can nap.

According to the post, Wakefit co-founder Chaitanya Ramalingegowda has recently sent an internal email to the employees announcing that they can now take a quick nap between 2 and 2.30 pm.

In the mail Chaitanya wrote, “We have been in the business of sleep for over six years now and yet have failed to do justice to a crucial aspect of rest – the afternoon nap. We have always taken naps seriously, but starting today, we will be taking things up a notch.”

He further added, “A NASA study reveals that a 26-minute catnap can enhance performance by 33%, while a Harvard study shows how naps prevent burnout.”

“From now on, you will have the right to nap between 2 to 2:30 pm” the co-founder added along with the fact that all of their’s calendar will be blocked during this time as official nap time.

Chaitanya also mentioned in the mail that the company is also working towards creating cozy nap pods and quiet rooms in the office to build the perfect nap environment for the employees.

The post has garnered a lot of attention and netizens lauded the step taken by the company. One person wrote, “Good decision” and another comment read, “positive…does bring in freshness and interest.”

Many social media users also joked as they found it funny. A comment read, “A warm cup of tea after the nap and a quick shower would exponentially increase productivity …”

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BengaluruCOVID-19 pandemic
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