Hyderabad: In a shocking incident, a woman junior doctor was attacked by a patient at a hospital in Tirupati. The incident took place at Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences (SVIMS) and entire incident was captured by CCTV camera in the hospital.
In the video it shows, a drunk patient grabbed woman doctor’s hair and banged her head against the steel frame of a hospital bed inside the emergency room. Immediately other doctors present in the ward came to her rescue and overpowered the attacked and took him away.
Dr RV Kumar, the intern wrote a letter to SVIMS director cum vice-chancellor, saying she was on duty in the Emergency Medicine Department on Saturday. “I was unexpectedly attacked by a patient, Bangaru Raju, who approached me from behind, pulled my hair and began forcibly banging my head against the steel rod of a cot,” she wrote, adding that no security personnel were present at the site to help her.
She also raised concerned about her safety and said that the situation could have turned deadly if the patient had been armed.
Following the incident, the doctors of the hospital staged a protest and demanded safety at workplace.
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An young intern female Doctor attacked by Patient !!
He tried to grab her nack !!Doctors are on Strike !!
How can any one work in such atmosphere? #MedTwitter @AndhraPradeshCM @JPNadda @PMOIndia pic.twitter.com/lTSSdbDJdi
— Indian Doctor🇮🇳 (@Indian__doctor) August 24, 2024