Nagpur: In a tragic incident, a youth was drowned to death while performing stunt in Nagpur Makardhokda Dam on August 15 and the entire incident was captured on camera.
Report says, a gang of boys had gone to have picnic at Makardhokda Dam located in Umred city of Nagpur. All of a sudden, three youths men started trying to climb the wall of the shed through which the water of the lake flows towards the front. Of the three, two youth fell down, while one succeeded and performed stunt.
The young man who succeeded was standing on the edge of the wall and fell backwards into the lake and drowned to death.
Later, it was seen some people trying to help the youth but in vain. With the help of the divers, the police recovered the body of the young boy.
The Video
Nagpur: Young Man Dies in Lake Drowning Incident During Stunt – Watch the Video….
— Pune Pulse (@pulse_pune) August 16, 2024