Currency rains at a charity program in Surat

Surat: In a surprising incident here, high-valued donators on Sunday made a rainfall of currency notes at a charity program organised to collect donations for the Pulwama martyr’s family.

The Surat charity program was also a ‘Bhajan Sandhya’. The organisers had put together the evening to collect donations and then make a contribution through ‘Bharat Ke Veer’ to the slain in Pulwama CRPF jawans’ families.

As the night progressed, the donators’ excitement grew and they began making huge contributions. It reached a point where they literally started raining the singer with money.

The contributors were seen with large bundles of currency and donated free-handedly.





The organisers said that they had never thought that their initiative will be this successful. They made a contribution of Rs 5 lakhs to the ‘Bharat Ke Veer’.

Watch the entire video here:

In a deadly terrorist attack in Pulwama on Thursday, about 45 CRPF personnel lost their lives to a Jaish-e-Mohammed militant attack when an IED laden vehicle blasted near CRPF trucks.

Also Read: Pulwama Terror Attack: Modes Of Contributing To The Martyrs’ Family

Pulwama terror attack
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