Banda (Uttar-Pradesh): In a tragic incident, a class 10 student took his own life after allegedly being scolded by his parents for playing video games for too long.
According to sources, Anand Kishore, aged 16, spent most of his time playing Free Fire game and neglected his studies. On seeing this, his mother scolded him and asked him to stop playing games.
In a fit of rage, Anand killed himself at his home. When his mother went to check on him after a while, he was found dead.
According to a family member, Anand was trying to scare his mother by putting noose around his neck. But it got tightened and he died. As there was construction work going on in the house, Anand did not go to school for several days.
The deceased’s father works in a private company in Gujarat.
Later, the police stated that Anand took his own life after his mother asked him to go to school. The cops have registered a complaint and further investigation is underway.