Chinese Virologist’s Shocking Revelation, Says Coronavirus Made In Government Lab Of Wuhan

New Delhi: A Chinese virologist has made a stunning revelation about the origin of the Coronavirus virus Sars-CoV-2, which has shocked the whole world.

The scientist Dr Li-Meng Yan revealed that the COVID-19 virus was not nature made but man made by China in a Government laboratory in Wuhan and she has enough scientific evidence to prove her claim.

In an interview in a British talk show called ”Loose Women”, she said that she discovered the Coronavirus is highly contagious and dangerous to the whole world during a research on the virus. She also said that the outbreak in Wuhan seafood market and meat market were only a “smokescreen”.

The scientist also revealed that after she informed the authorities about the virus but they did not took any action instead told her to stay silent and threatened with her life.

After that she fled from Hong Kong to the US after the unveiled threat from the government with the help of an organisation in the New York.

The virologist revealed that a China Military Institute that modified some bad coronavirus named CC45 and ZXC41 into the Novel Coronavirus.

She said that she is working on a scientific proof report which includes the local doctor’s and people’s statement as well as other evidence which proves that the COVID-19 was made in a laboratory.

The Dr Li-Meng Yan is reportedly going to publish the reports in several days to all the people of the world and everyone can read the reports and understand them even without the knowledge of Biology.

The reports are based on the genome sequence of Sars-CoV-2, which can identify that the virus was man made and came from China.

ChinaCoronavirus Origin
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