7 newborns charred to death, several critical after huge fire engulfs baby care centre in Delhi

New Delhi: In a tragic incident, at least seven newborns were charred to death, while several sustain critical burn injuries after a massive fire broke out at a baby care centre in Delhi late Saturday.

According to reports, the fire service department received a call about a fire at 11.32 pm at a baby care centre in the Vivek Vihar area in East Delhi. On receiving information about the incident as many as 16 fire tenders were rushed to the site.

As per reports, at least 12 newborns were rescued from the building but seven died while undergoing treatment at the hospital. Meanwhile, the cause of fire is yet to be known.

In a similar incident, at least 22 persons were reportedly killed in a massive fire at a gaming zone in Gujarat’s Rajkot on Saturday.

The fire broke out inside the gaming zone in a shopping mall when it was teeming with children.

Police teams and fire tenders were rushed to the spot to douse the fire. Sources said the owner of the gaming zone has been arrested.

The shopping mall was inundated with crowds because of the weekend. The intensity of the fire was so fierce that smoke was seen billowing from the shopping mall from a long distance.

Also Read: 22 Killed In Fire Mishap At A Gaming Zone In Gujarat’s Rajkot

Delhi Fire
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