Mumbai: Bengali actresses Nusrat Jahan and Mimi Chakraborty, who have been elected as Trinamool Congress MPs from West Bengal posted pictures of their first day at the Parliament. However, they drew fire on Twitter for wearing casual clothes at the Parliament.
The actors were shamed for turning up in casual attire for their first day as Members of Parliament. Earlier, they had faced similar backlash with people questioning their credentials to contest elections.
Mimi, who had won from Jadavpur on a Trinamool Congress ticket, posted a photo of her wearing a white shirt, jeans and a pair of sneakers.
However, Twitteratis were quick to react, with one user commenting “this is not film shooting”.
Another wrote, “Did you go there to do this drama? Please do not do this drama at the Parliament and shame Bengal.”
Similarly, Nusrat Jahan, the Trinamool MP from Basirhat, also had to face backlash for her attire at the Parliament.
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To this, one user wrote in Bengali, “This is not a place for photoshoot. This is a place where you should fight for the people’s rights and legislate for the country. You don’t belong here.”
Meanwhile, Jahan and Chakraborty won two important seats in West Bengal despite BJP trying hard to uproot the Trinamool Congress in West Bengal. While Jahan had won by a margin of 3,50,369 votes, Chakraborty won by 2,95,239 votes, defeating former Kolkata mayor Bikash Ranjan Bhattacharya.
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