Mumbai: Actress Raveena Tandon, who was recently seen in the streaming movie ‘Ghudchadi’, met a street artiste recently in Mumbai at a traffic signal during the Janmashtami in the city. The artiste, a young boy, made a beautiful flower for her.
The actress took to her Instagram, and shared a video of the artiste creating the flower from paper. In the video, Raveena could be heard asking the guy as to why he doesn’t go to college to which he replied that the responsibility of his family made him leave his academics and work for the livelihood.
The artiste also requested Raveena to mention his social media handle on her post as it would help me attract more customers.
The actress also penned a long note in the caption, as she wrote, “Met this artistic young boy, @barotkabir27 , with talent ,at a traffic signal, offered him education and a job, maybe it was meant to be Kanhas way of helping him out today, I kept my promise, kept his offering in my puja for Nandlala”.
She also wrote a few lines from the song ‘Pata Nahi Kis Roop Mein Aakar, Narayan Mil Jayega’ in the caption.
She shared, “Pata nahi kis roop mein aakar, narayan mil jayega, niyati bhed nahi karti jo leti hai woh deti hai, jo boyega woh kaatega ye jag karmo ki kheti hai, niyati bhed nahi karti jo leti hai woh deti hai, jo boyega woh kaatega ye jag karmo ki kheti hai, yadi karam tera paavan hai sabhi, doobegi nahi teri naav kabhi, teri baanh pakadne ko, bhes badal ke aayega, pata nahi kis roop mein aakar, narayan mil jayega”.
Meanwhile, on the work front, the actress will be next seen in ‘Welcome to the Jungle’ in which she has reunited on the screen with Bollywood superstar Akshay Kumar.