Watch: World’s first artificial womb facility can grow 30,000 babies at once, claim experts

Experts have once again amazed the world by creating an artificial womb to carry the pregnancy in a pod after the in-vitro fertilisation of the embryo.

Scientist have been repeatedly trying their best to create miracles with human birth in their labs. IVF is one of these miraculous technique to bring new babies to the world especially for those who are infertile. Now, the experts have once again amazed the world by creating an artificial womb to carry the pregnancy in a pod after the in-vitro fertilisation of the embryo.

In the world’s first ‘Artificial Womb Facility,’ scientists claim that it can grow up to 30 thousand babies in a year in an artificial womb or a ‘growth pod’. The only catch is that this facility does not actually exist. EctoLife is an imaginary artificial womb facility. But, in the concept video shared on Youtube, experts claim that the aim is to help countries suffering from population decline.

They further claimed that this can help countries like Japan, Bulgaria, and South Korea in their population decline.

The 8:39-minute animation video, made by Yemeni molecular biotechnologist Hashem Al-Ghaili, features EctoLife, an imaginary artificial womb facility. The made up facility shows a large number of pods or artificial wombs, inside which babies are grown. As per the clip, the facility will be powered entirely by renewable energy.

The technology promises to let the parents choose the baby’s characteristics (like eye colour, height, and strength) from a menu. The gene editing will be done based on the CRISPR Cas-9 technology which is not new to the world.
According to the biotechnologist at ECTOLIFE, it would allow infertile couples to conceive a baby and become the ‘true biological parents of their own offspring.

“It is a perfect solution for women who had their uterus surgically removed due to cancer or other complications,” the voiceover in the video says.

The pictorial further claims that such a womb can also monitor any potential genetic abnormalities. With this, women can get relief from labour pain, and the babies can be taken out of the artificial womb with just a push button.

Watch Video Here:

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