Want to have a good overall wellbeing? SHIELD lifestyle is all you need

To make life beautiful and enjoyable there are certain rules to follow. But many don’t know how to lead a manageable life. What is the correct way? If your morning starts late then you will never be able to spend the whole day properly. Not only the sleeping process. We have to maintain many more to get a healthy life. By reading this article, you will come to know about such a novel technique to do everything neatly every day!

Many progressive doctors are now also offering advice on how to take care of your brain. Fortunately, many of the healthy habits you already have are helping to make a difference for your long-term cognitive. Although there is no universally recognized medicine to prevent Alzheimer’s disease yet, the McCance Center is accelerating the research on lifestyle interventions, as well as pursing prevention and cures in the lab. Researches cover brain health across the lifespan.

The SHIELD plan, developed by McCance Director DR Rudolph Tanzi, is a great way to remember how to take care of your brain now. If you can improve your brain healthy today, you’ll reduce the risk for brain disease in the future.

They recommend talking with your doctor first and walking through the brain center of their own. The multi-dimensional brain care tracker, to see where you stand today.

Once you understand your score, you will see where you have room for improvement. The SHIELD plan helps you remember everyday steps you can take to preserve and promote brain health and prevent other age-related diseases, including heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

SHILED mantra to preserve and promote brain health

S stands for sleep – get 7-8 hours

Sleeps serves to clear away the plaques that lead to cognitive decline. Plaques begin decades before signs of decline. So, getting good sleep at any age can improve your brain health. Looking for ways to improve the quality of your sleep?

H for handling stress

Establishing a meditation practice and managing expectations can reduce stress.

I is for Interaction with friend

Loneliness doubles risk for Alzheimer’s. According to experts, we have to interaction with friends is a correct manner.

E for Exercise

Exercise induces new nerve cell growth to strengthen brain regions affected in Alzheimer’s disease and triggers the breakdown of brain amyloid. Finding an exercise that works for you is key. Starting small and working up to the recommended 150 minutes per week, can have a great impact on our brain health.

L is for Learning new things

Learning new things strengthens and increases the number of synapses in your brain, the connections between nerve cells strong your memories. Synapse loss correlates most with the degree of dementia. The more synapses you make, the more you have to spare! Puzzles aren’t necessarily the answer, either. A recent report says that, practicing a new and challenging activity is a good bet for building and maintaining cognitive skills. Learn a new language, take a class – these activities have major benefits.

D is for Diet

The best diet fir the brain is the Mediterranean diet, which minimizes red meat and is rich in fibre from fruit and vegetables. A plant based diet balances the bacteria in gut micro biome has also been shown to reduce amyloid plaque and brain neuro inflammation, a major killer of nerve cells in the brain.

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