Want to become fit but unable to maintain consistency? Try this viral 9-1 rule

Everyone wants to be fit and healthy. However, due to multiple reasons including work and other things, we are unable to maintain a healthy life. There are many tips or steps you can take to become healthy. One among them is the 9-1 rule. It is recently going viral over the internet and is believed to keep one fit as well as productive. So let’s delve into what this 9-1 rule is.

9 stands for 9000 steps

Walking helps to keep one healthy. Even it is believed that if you are feeling down and if you walk a bit your mood will get better. So aim to walk at least 9000 steps daily. It can improve your cardiovascular health, boost metabolism, and maintain overall physical well-being.

8 stands for 8 glasses of water

Drinking enough amount of water is necessary for human body as it made up of 75 percent of water. Staying adequately hydrated is really important for human body’s functioning. It helps with digestion, circulation, and maintaining proper energy levels.

7 stands for 7 hours of sleep

Resting is crucial for human body. Prioritize getting seven hours of quality sleep each night. A good night’s sleep helps your body and mind to rest and rejuvenate, contributing to better focus and overall well-being.

6 stands for 6 minutes of meditation and mindfulness

Meditation is important for human body as well as mind as it helps to keep us focused. Dedicate at least six minutes to meditation and mindfulness exercises daily. This can help to reduce stress, enhance mental clarity, and promote emotional balance.

5 stands for 5 servings of fresh fruits and vegetables

Just like sleep, consuming healthy food is equally important. Consume a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables daily. They are rich in essential nutrients, antioxidants, and fibre, promoting better immunity and digestive health.

4 stands for 4 rest breaks

If you are in a sitting job and you have to sit for hours, take four short breaks to stand, stretch, and move around. These breaks help ease the strain of prolonged sitting and improve circulation.

3 stands for 3 main and short healthy meals

Eat three balanced and nutritious main meals, supplemented by smaller, healthy snacks. This can regulate your metabolism, provide consistent energy, and support weight management.

2 stands for 2 hours of gap between dinner and sleep

A gap between dinner and going to bad is necessary. Allow a two-hour gap between your evening meal and bedtime. This practice aids digestion, reduces the risk of acid reflux, and leads to better sleep quality.

1 stands for one physical activity

Engage yourself in at least one form of physical activity you genuinely enjoy, let it be cycling, swimming, dancing, or a simple home workout. Regular exercise can help you to be fit and contribute to your overall well-being.

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health tips
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