Stop Doing These 5 Things Say Sleep Doctors, Know Why

Sleep specialists suggest that doing a few things after waking up will make you feel better and sleep better in the long run.

How to sleep better, experts suggest a few sure-shot means. Here are a few things that sleep doctors suggest:

  • Wake Up At Fixed Time Everyday: Waking up at a fixed time is very essential for better sleep. Doctors suggest maintaining a schedule of sleep and waking up for a healthy life and good night’s sleep.
  • Sleep According To Your Chronotype: One needs to figure out one’s sleep chronotype in order to have a better and more peaceful sleep. A majority of people fall under one of the four sleep chronotypes: wolves, lions, bears, and dolphins.
  • Do Not Snooze Your Alarm: Sleep gets hampered by snoozing the alarm. Experts say that snoozing the alarm may give a bad sleep for the next day. They also say that snoozing the alarm makes one wake up more groggy.
  • Waking Up To Morning Light: Waking up in a bright and room full of sunlight is the best thing one can do say doctors. Morning light helps one wake up bright and fresh. It also helps get a better sleep during the night.
  • Never Skip Breakfast: Experts and certified sleep specialists suggest that skipping breakfast can cause sleep disturbance. We need to eat our breakfast every day at a same time say experts.
better sleep
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