Spinal Cord Injury Day 2023: Unlock the Secrets to Enhancing Spine Health

The spinal cord is a crucial part of the human body. Read to know some lifestyle habits one can adapt in order to have a stronger spine.

Every year, September 5 is observed as ‘Spinal Cord Injury Day.’ This day is observed across the world to increase awareness and knowledge of the dangerous spinal cord injuries. Spinal cord injuries often stem from road accidents, fall from heights, suicidal attempts, and even falls following electric shocks.

The spinal cord is a crucial part of the human body. The elongated body structure stretches from the brainstem till the lower back. It plays an instrumental role in our everyday mobility.

Aching back and bad postures are some of the most obvious signs of an unhealthy lifestyle. These subsequently lead to an unhealthy spine. Lower Back Pain (LBP) is one of the most common conditions faced by people. LBP is even more common with advancing age and more so in people who are physically unfit.

There are some very common reasons why one may experience lower back pain. Some of these include:

  • Obesity or rapid gain weight.
  • Jobs that involve heavy weightlifting, pushing, or pulling.
  • Poor body posture and improper support while sitting.
  • Stress, anxiety, and depression are also factors that can result in muscle tension and back pain.
  • Conditions such that of arthritis can also cause chronic back pain.
  • Excessive smoking leads to decreased blood flow to the discs. This can lead to degeneration and back pain.

Nevertheless, there are some simple lifestyle techniques that you can adapt to, for a stronger and healthier spine. Some of these include:

  • Prioritize good posture during working and daily activities.
  • Avoid extreme spinal curvature to avoid stress on joints and discs
  • Engage in moderate and regular exercising
  • Weight management is important for people with back pain
  • Quit smoking

In today’s time, people are mostly glued to computer screens for extended time periods. It is to be taken to be seriously that neglecting spinal health can have severe consequences on the body. It is highly essential to strike a balance between work and well-being. Today, on ‘Spinal Cord Injury Day’, we tell you to make the above mentioned tips a priority in order to have a healthy and strong spine.

Adult healthHealth
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