Recipe: Healthy Rose Petal Tea, Easy To Make

Rose petal tea is easy to make. However, the taste is awesome. Here are the ingredients and preparation procedure of making Rose petal tea.


  1. ½ cups water
  2. 1inch Ginger
  3. 1 inch Cinnamon Stick
  4. 2-3 Cloves
  5. 5-6 Rose petals
  6. 3 Tablespoon of Sweeteners
  7. 3-4 Tablespoon of Cardamom
  8. 2 Cup Milk
  9. 2-3 Basil leaves ( Tulsi )


Take a small saucepan and put it on the gas stove over medium-high heat. Add ginger, cinnamon, cloves and rose petals to it. Pour some water and bring just to a simmer. After that add some sugar, tea powder and milk after it gets boiled and then put some fresh Basil leaves. Boil it for some time and your rose tea is ready. Serve it and Enjoy.

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