Nutritionist warns three types of people to avoid coffee for health reasons

In a recent Instagram post, nutritionist Simrun Chopra highlighted three types of individuals who should consider avoiding coffee.

In a recent Instagram post, nutritionist Simrun Chopra highlighted three types of individuals who should consider avoiding coffee.

According to Chopra people with slow metabolism may experience disruptions in their sleep cycle and adverse effects like jitters or heightened alertness for up to nine hours after consuming coffee.

Simrun Chopra emphasized that individuals dealing with anxiety may find that coffee exacerbates their condition, leading to heightened levels of alertness and unease.

At the same time, pregnant women are advised to limit coffee consumption as excessive caffeine intake is linked to reduced blood supply to the foetus.

While Chopra acknowledged that moderate coffee consumption can have benefits such as enhancing memory and reaction time, she cautioned against excessive intake. Her recommendations for responsible coffee consumption include limiting intake to 1 to 2 cups a day, avoiding excessive additives like milk and sugar, and being mindful of caffeine intake for slow metabolisers.

Chopra’s guidelines aim to help individuals enjoy the potential benefits of coffee while minimizing potential negative impacts on sleep, anxiety, and pregnancy.

How to Avoid Excessive Coffee Consumption:

    • Limit intake to 1 to 2 cups a day (3-5 mg per kg of body weight).
    • Avoid adding excessive milk, cream, or sugar.
    • For slow metabolisers, limit consumption to 1 cup a day, preferably in the morning.
    • Consume coffee when truly needed.
    • Avoid having caffeinated beverages with food to prevent the inhibition of certain vitamin and mineral absorption.
    • If using coffee as a pre-workout, have it 30 to 60 minutes before, as the effects are noticed within 30 minutes.


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