Monthly Horoscope for November 2021; Check astrological prediction for Gemini, Pisces and others

Horoscope is all about future happenings and predictions. Our stars and ruling planets have a lot to say about how the forthcoming time will be. So here goes the complete horoscope from Aires to Pisces for the month of November. Know what the zodiacs have for you in the bucket.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Aries, November might be filled with joy and fun for you, but it will also heighten anxiety in you from time to time. Make sure to find out time for self-care and change to a healthier lifestyle. You are likely to receive a lot of party invites this month, get social but try to figure out who is your actual friends and who is just pretending to be one. Follow your gut, and listen to your intuition. Spend more time with your loved ones as the energy will add on to the celebrations.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

The start of the month will be peachy for Taurus. you feel like being on the edge and ready to pick battles. However, make sure to understand which fight is worth it and which is not. The full moon and lunar eclipse this month will have their effects on you making you moody. Love and sex life will be happening, if only you learn to avoid fights.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Gemini, good news regarding your finances is on its way, so make sure to keep updated with your email and phone calls. You are sign full of surprises, sometimes you even end up surprising yourself. You are likely to realise your true feelings for someone you did not think of before. Lean in to love, stars are in favour of you. Gemini makes the perfect party date for all social events, especially this Sagittarius season. Shine and let the world see your glow.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

November is going to be a little emotional for you Cancer. You might even feel dissatisfaction in the relationship as you may crave more intimacy than usual. Try not to give in to this feeling and destroy your happy and healthy relationship. The end of the month will bring workload, make sure to take care of your health. Maybe find some time each day to enjoy a cup of herbal tea in the morning and have enough goodnight sleep.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Leo! this November you will feel fitter than ever before. This includes you taking good care of yourself, regular check-ups and doubling down on self-care will be your priority. The eclipse towards the end of the month might dim you and throw you out of the game, so try to stay grounded on those days and don’t take everything too seriously.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Being loveable beings, Virgo is likely to get what they want out of love, but first figure out what you want before giving in to your unnecessary desires. Or else you might end up hurting someone close to you. The new moon will bring peace, maybe meditate to enhance its effects. Write down your goals and desires in your journal, you’re more likely to manifest them. The end of the month is likely to bring a spark to your love life.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

November starts with unexpected financial blessings for Libra. You might feel like redecorating your home, spend some money and give yourself what you desire. Avoid chaos by pouring your efforts into interior decorating. The lunar eclipse will have a strong effect on you, try to lay low to keep your emotions well protected. Other than that enjoy the festive season with your loved ones to enjoy the most of the month.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

November is likely to bring out some anxiety in you, Scorpio. Try to keep your anger at bay, to avoid the troubles that follow. You might mistake your friends and families as your enemies. When stress arrives in your love life, work on patience and loving-kindness to avoid overreacting. Take good care of your health, and drink enough water to keep your gut away from the doctors.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

This is your month Sagittarius, the season welcomes exciting monetary and professional news on your way. You will feel free and liberating this month, make the most of the time. You are likely to stay active throughout the season, but try not to push yourself too hard or you may end up tiring yourself even before the month ends. The lunar eclipse will have a certain effect on your mood and may even disturb your love life a little, don’t worry it’s temporary.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Capricorn, you don’t like a mess as it distracts you from getting your work done. Lucky for you, November will bring serenity to your love life. This will help you relax and enjoy sex. You will feel very positive about your relationship this month. Try to contain yourself and think thoroughly before making a decision. On the other hand, if you’re happy in love, you may be ready to put a ring on it. Overall this month is all about relationships becoming healthier for you.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

This November, trust your gut in matters of love, Aquarius. During the full moon and lunar eclipse, try avoiding friends and their gossips, they might end up getting you into trouble. If not that then you might come back with a heavy heart over something that might not be true. Such events might push you into completely isolating yourself, try to attend a few social events on the adventurous month instead of letting others get to you.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Hold your boundaries in all matters of love this November. This might be difficult for the emotional Pisces, but it’s for the best. Dont’s stress too much, this won’t stop your life. The end of the month will be all about celebrations and smiles for you as you will enjoy great fun with lovers and friends. You need to exorcise that secret Pisces anger by taking it out on a pillow in a closed room instead of letting it destroy your relationships. Also having your anger at bay is likely to help you get that special attention from your partner.

monthly horoscopeNovember Horoscope
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