Low Sex drive? Blame Your Phone!!!

Bhubaneswar: Suffering from low sex drive, safely blame your mobile phone. The radiations and short concentration time due to mobile use is to blame.

It’s well known that mobiles can kill the moment – just as you lean in to make the next move, your phone rings or a work email flashes up that you just can’t resist checking.

Most doctors agree that the bedroom should be reserved for two things, and two things only: Sleep and sex.

Pic Credits: MensXP

But most of us use our sleeping space for things like Netflix watching and scrolling through Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, and Facebook as soon as we wake up and right before we go to bed.

This innocent social media obsession can however cause havoc in your sex lives without you even realizing it.

Experts now believe addiction to technology is just one way in which modern life is destroying sex lives.

There’s long been anecdotal evidence that your mobile phone is addictive, but according to a new study, more people would find it harder to give up their WiFi connection than having sex.

Pic Credits: Times Life

Of the 1,700 people surveyed, 61 per cent said WiFi would be impossible to give up, compared to the 58 per cent who listed sex.

Apparently people’s anxiety for a digital connection far outweighs a physical one.

In addition the survey also showed that 7 per cent of people admitted checking their smartphone while having sex.

According to Bayer, a pharmaceutical company, cell phone and internet use is responsible for lower libido in 25% of women.

Pic Credits: Global News

Due to the dangerous radiation that constantly comes off smartphones, and all other electronic devices, sex drive decreases significantly.

Simple solutions include lowering cell phone use and turning off devices whenever possible.

Switch Off To Turn On!!!

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