Liver disease often goes unnoticed, check signs of fatty liver here

Bhubaneswar: Liver is one of the largest organs in the human body which helps digest food, remove toxins and store energy.

Fat is also present in the liver in small quantities. However, due to various reasons, the level might be disturbed and rise drastically which in turn results in fatty liver disease.

Fatty liver disease is characterized by high-fat levels in the liver it is generally of two types namely: alcoholic and non-alcoholic.

There are some simple everyday symptoms of fatty liver disease that we consider normal and overlook: 

Fatigue, exhaustion and pain in the abdomen (right beneath the ribs)

Non-alcoholic fatty liver can be easily be treated with a few lifestyle change. It is noteworthy that this condition does not have any medicine for its treatment.

Doctors recommend the following for recovering from Non-alcoholic fatty liver:

Include more whole grains in your diet, eat more fibre and try to get some exercise for weight loss and to lower fat stories in the body.

Doctors can recommend medication to bring the situation under control. And if a patient is dealing with hypertension or high cholesterol levels.

Many worry about their respective risk of Non-alcoholic fatty liver. But doctors explain that there is nothing to be tensed, just a little care can help in preventing the disease.

Certain conditions that could make one more prone to it: 

Extra weight around the belly, obesity, family history of non-alcoholic fatty liver, high levels of fat in the body, hypertension and type-2 diabetes.

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