Know what diet habits are damaging your gut health

Maintaining a healthy gut is very difficult amid the modern lifestyle. A healthy gut is important for the overall health of a body. The Gut aka Gastrointestinal system, is essential for virtually every bodily system and function to operate at optimum performance. However, due to poor dietary and lack of exercise, people complain about Digestive Health issues.

Many facets of modern life such as high stress levels, too little sleep, eating processed and high-sugar foods, and taking antibiotics can also damage one’s gut microbiome.

Upset stomach, bad breathe, breakouts and skin irritations, sleep disturbance, and food intolerances are some of the common signs of an unhealthy gut.

Yes, it is hard to do just everything right to make sure that your gut stays healthy. It is time consuming and hard on the pocket. While you do achieve the mark, there’s always something you are doing wrong to damage your gut. Maybe, if you know that, it will be easier to take small steps towards a healthy gut.

Eating Less Fiber

Fiber is a type of carbohydrates that the body cannot digest. Unlike other carbohydrates that breaks down into sugar molecules after consumption, fiber cannot be broken down into sugar molecules- instead it passes through the body undigested. Therefore, foods rich in fiber lead to improper bowel movement. An unclear gut system is a breeding place for several microbes and disease causing pathogens.

Not Having Enough Water

Consuming less water throughout the day and post a meal will definitely hamper your digestion process. In addition, it will cause dehydration- which is a condition that can cause unclear thinking, result in mood change, cause your body to overheat, and lead to constipation and kidney stones.

Too Much Sugar

Consuming too much sugar can lead to many health problems, such as increasing the risk of weight gain, diabetes, tooth cavities, and more. But it all starts with the gut, and having too much of these sweet poison will disturbs the gut microbiome which are indispensable for the digestive system. Body sometimes fails to process the overloaded sugar diet.

Not Having Whole Grains

Researchers have found that the increased level of soluble fiber present in whole grains can prevent cholesterol reabsorption in the gut, and promote good gut health by providing prebiotics. It keeps the gut microbiome diverse and balanced.

Having High Fat Diet

High fat diets is a diet that consists of at least 35 percent of total calories consumed from fats, both saturated and unsaturated. According to the studies, too much consumption of these type of foods can slow down digestion and also increases risk for colon cancer. It can also cause bloating, and indigestion.

Not Having A Scheduled Dinner

Not having a scheduled dinner or eating at random hours puts an adverse impact on the digestion of foods. It effects the portion of meals, the chewing of food and the quality of eating. Setting a time for your meals can help curb overeating and prevent bloating or indigestion

Having Too Much Alcohol

Alcohol can affect stomach acid production, reducing the stomach’s ability to destroy bacteria that enters. It imbalances the microbial population inside the gut system, as noted by the studies. Hence, here is just another reason to quit drinking!

Not Having Enough Probiotics

The age-old tradition of having fermented foods or probiotics with food holds immense benefits which are vital for human health. They help keep the normal healthy balance of bacteria in your gut. These have good bacteria which speed up digestion.

Having Non-Seasonal Food

Non-seasonal food are forcefully grown with more pesticides and fertilizers. Having these can highly affect your gut. Instead it is better to consume fruits and vegetables which are seasonal and grow naturally.

healthy diet
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