Know how to incorporate garlic in daily diet for maximum health benefits

Know the simplest of methods to incorporate garlic in your daily diet and take one step towards becoming a healthier you!

Garlic is the key to many health benefits. From curing cold to lowering cholesterol and blood sugar levels, Garlic consumption has been used in traditional remedies since centuries. Want to know how to incorporate garlic in your daily diet for maximum benefit? We’ve got you covered.

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1) Raw garlic on an empty stomach

Eating garlic on an empty stomach can help maintain a good immune system. It helps decrease inflammation in the body. A compound named Allicin, present in garlic, is considered as one of the best agents to prevent heart diseases and cancer. To experience these benefits, one should eat few cloves of raw garlic with a glass of water every morning on an empty stomach.

2) Using Garlic oil

Garlic oil is yet another way to utilize and incorporate garlic in our daily diet. Garlic oil can be used in regular cooking, salad dressings, or can even be sprinkled over roasted veggies. Garlic oil is very good for skin. Garlic contains antibacterial, antifungal, antiseptic, and antiviral that are useful for treating various skin ailments.

3) Using Garlic in everyday cooking

Adding garlic to regular meals is the easiest way of incorporating the spice into daily diet. Garlic blends finely with curries, dals, and soup as well. However, it is important to make a note that cooked garlic has reduced potency of allicin. Hence, it is advisable to add finely chopped pieces of raw garlic in the cooked dishes.

4) Eating garlic with honey.

One can easily incorporate eating garlic and honey in his daily routine. The simple recipe is to chop a garlic clove into three to four pieces and mix them with one spoon of honey. In case one finds the taste too strong, they can eliminate the same with a glass of warm water. A spoonful of this combination everyday on an empty stomach can weaken the symptoms of acid reflux and regurgitation.

5) Roasted Garlic

Roasted garlic brings out a mellow and sweet flavor, keeping its nutritional benefits intact. Roasted garlic contains compounds like quercetin and kaempferol, that help in improving blood circulation and prevent blood clots.


Health Benefits
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