Is Vitamin B12 good for weight loss ? Know more

Vitamin B12 is naturally present in some foods and in some cases, provided as an additional supplement in foods.

Nowadays, obesity and weight issues are major concerns for people. Being overweight comes along with several health complications. These include orthopedic issues, heart problems, and diabetes among others. The solutions to weight loss and obesity are always on search. In today’s time where people are becoming way too body conscious, they are also becoming keen followers of different types of diet plans. Previous studies have shown that vitamins and minerals like Calcium, Magnesium, Vitamin B, and Vitamin D aid in weight loss.

Some of the recent studies have also claimed that Vitamin B12 has an association with weight loss. However, it is still a debate if Vitamin B12 is for weight loss or goes against it.

Vitamin B12 is naturally present in some foods and in some cases, provided as an additional supplement in foods. Containing Cobalt mineral, the compounds with Vitamin B12 are called ‘cobalamins.’

While few studies have proven that Vitamin B12 aids for weight loss, few others strongly speak against it. Earlier studies have said that deficiency of Vitamin B12 can lead to increase in total body fat, overweight and obesity. However, scientists and researchers believe that a lot more studies needed to be done in order to confirm the same. Vitamin B12 is sure to influence your weight in several ways, indirectly. The ways being, boosting metabolism and body’s energy levels. It is also to be noted that Vitamin B12 helps in reducing stress. Deficiency of vitamin B12 can cause fatigue and weakness, therefore causing hindrance to one’s weight loss efforts.

Some natural sources of Vitamin 12 for weight loss include milk, Yoghurt, Chicken, and eggs among few others

healthy dietWeight loss
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