Hypertension during pregnancy can lead to seizures and preterm birth

Studies have found that hypertension can turn the beautiful journey of pregnancy into a more complicated and challenging one

Studies have found that hypertension can turn the beautiful journey of pregnancy into a more complicated and challenging one.

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, affects millions of people worldwide. People over time have found a loophole to keep their blood pressure in control and escape the risks that come with the disease. However, hypertension during pregnancy can be more dangerous than usual, hence requiring careful management to ensure the health and well-being of both mother and baby.

Pregnancy-induced hypertension is also known as gestational hypertension. It affects approximately 5-10 percent of pregnant women and typically arises after the 20th week of gestation. It is characterized by elevated blood pressure levels.

If not brought under control in time, hypertension can lead to serious complications. Pre-eclampsia, eclampsia (seizures or coma in a pregnant woman), placental abruption, and preterm birth are a few problems that can be triggered.

Risk Factors

The exact cause of gestational hypertension is yet not clearly known, but several risk factors have been identified. History of hypertension or preeclampsia in previous pregnancies, obesity, chronic kidney disease, multiple gestations (twins or more), and certain medical conditions like diabetes or autoimmune diseases are a few risk factors that can lead to such a hazardous condition.

During pregnancy, make sure healthcare providers are assessing these risk factors and closely monitoring your blood pressure throughout the pregnancy to promptly identify any signs of hypertension.

Tips To Manage Gestational Hypertension

Managing hypertension during pregnancy is tough. Hence, requires proper understanding and cooperation between the expectant mother and her healthcare team. Regular prenatal check-ups, including blood pressure measurements and urine tests, are essential to monitor the condition’s progression and detect any potential complications.

Meanwhile, for prevention, modifications in lifestyle can be helpful. Adopt a low-sodium healthy diet, exercise regularly (as recommended by the healthcare advisor), and try stress reduction techniques to manage blood pressure levels.

In some cases, doctors also prescribe some medication to control hypertension during pregnancy. However, medicines during this time are critical, as certain antihypertensive drugs can be harmful to the developing fetus. Healthcare providers carefully weigh the risks and benefits in order to suggest appropriate medication that poses minimal harm to the baby.

Pregnant women with pre-existing hypertension are approached differently. They might require close monitoring even before conception and based on their condition doctors make adjustments to their medication regimen to ensure the best outcome for both mother and baby. This is why, it is extremely important to plan an early consultation with a healthcare provider, especially if the woman who wishes to conceive is already dealing with hypertension.

Warning Signs

Warning signs that could indicate complications include severe headaches, visual disturbances, sudden weight gain, swelling of the hands and face, and abdominal pain. These signs should not be ignored during pregnancy, as they could be indicating pre-eclampsia, a severe condition associated with gestational hypertension. If any of these symptoms arise, immediate medical attention should be sought.

Regular prenatal care, a healthy lifestyle, appropriate medical interventions, and vigilant monitoring contribute to a positive outcome. In conclusion, hypertension during pregnancy requires extra care to ensure the well-being of both mother and baby.

Also Read: Top 5 Meditation Techniques To Help Alleviate Hypertension

Blood pressurePregnancy
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