How to promote rapid hair growth? Here’s some simple tips

Hair fall has become quite common now. Even small kids have started suffering hair fall. The reason behind hair fall can be different, starting from environment, pollution, water quality to lack of a few vitamins and mineral in body. To promote rapid hair growth and put a check on hair fall you can follow these steps:

Rub castor oil on thin spots every night

Rubbing castor oil on thin spots every night can promote new hair growth in the areas. It can also put a check on hair fall.

Drink half cup of aloe vera juice daily

Drinking a half a cup of aloe vera juice daily can be said very much helpful for hair growth. This can also help in detoxifying your body.

Eat foods high in omega-3s

Foods like flaxseed, broccoli, spinach, fish and walnut contain high amount of Omega-3s. Omega-3s is well known for promoting hair growth. It is also very good for your skin and nails.

Massage rosemary oil into scalp

Massaging rosemary oil onto the scalp can stimulate blood circulation, which at the end promotes hair growth. Leave the oil on the scalp for at least 30 minutes or even overnight for deeper penetration. Later wash your hair with Sulphate-free shampoo.

Onion Juice Massage

Onion has got high amounts of sulfur that support strong and thick hair. To massage onion on your hair, you will have to extract the juice out of an onion and mix it with coconut oil for ease of application. Use fresh onion juice for the best results.

Copper Charged Water

Fill your copper jug with normal drinking water and leave it overnight. Keep this mug aside your bed. When you wake up the next day, drink this first thing in the morning. Don’t gulp down the water in a go, drink it sip by sip.

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hair care
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