How to prepare for a job Interview

How to prepare for a job interview? To prepare for a job interview, first of all, an aspirant should research on the company. Further, s/he should carefully review the job description to make sure whether he can be a best fit to the job or not. Preparing for an interview primarily means taking time to thoughtfully consider your goals and qualifications relative to the position and employer. Here are a few useful tips for preparing a job interview.

Go through the job description

During your preparation, you should use the employer’s posted job description as a guide. The job description is a list of the qualifications, qualities, and background the employer is looking for in an ideal candidate. The more you can align yourself with these details, the more the employer will be able to see that you are qualified. The job description may also give you ideas about questions the employer may ask throughout the interview.

Practice your speaking voice and body language

It’s important to make a positive and lasting impression during the interview process. You can do this by practicing a confident, strong speaking voice and friendly, open body language. While these might come naturally to you, you might also want to spend time performing them with trusted friends or family or in front of a mirror. Pay special attention to your smile, handshake and stride.

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Conduct mock interviews

Just like public speaking, practicing interviews is the best way to relieve anxiety and improve your confidence. Practice may be tedious, but repeatedly experiencing the interview process will make you more comfortable and help you give the right impression.

If you have friends or family to help, conduct mock interviews as much as you can. If you don’t have another person, practice your questions and answers out loud. You may find that an answer sounds awkward or doesn’t convey what you wish when it’s spoken, so this gives you an opportunity to refine your answers and commit them to memory. The more you repeat your interview, the more confident you’ll be during the real thing.

Search the location in advance

Most interviews are scheduled days or weeks in advance, so you have time to research the location. If your interview is close enough, you can take a day to go to the location and check out the parking, take note of the traffic and find the suite or office where your interview will be. If you’re anxious about parking or any other aspect of the location, contact your interviewer to ask them for more information.

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Leave early for the interview 

This may seem obvious, but it’s better to leave with plenty of time to get to your interview, even if it means arriving way too early. Even if you leave yourself a few extra minutes to get there, small obstacles can be enough to make you late, such as heavy traffic, accidents, no parking or trouble finding the building. If you arrive too early, just use the time to go over your notes and mentally prepare for your interview.

Print hard copies of your resume

Most employers ask for digital copies of your resume with the application, but they may not have easy access to it during the interview itself. Having copies to present to multiple interviewers shows that you’re prepared and organized. You should have at least three copies to provide for multiple interviewers, plus one for yourself to follow along.

Sell yourself

One of the biggest challenges in an interview is selling yourself. Most people are uncomfortable with this idea, but presenting yourself accurately and positively doesn’t have to feel like a sale. The truth is that you do have professional skills and experiences that may set you apart from other applicants, so it’s acceptable and expected for you to acknowledge them to your potential employer.


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  • Sofia

    Thanks for sharing this wonderful idea its really help me a lot keep posting such amazing ideas