How to play safe Diwali

Diwali will be celebrated on October 27, 2019, in Odisha. And preparation for the celebration has already started. It is one of the biggest festivals in India and brings unmatched joy and excitement in our households. However, the important thing is that our joy should not be messed up with any fire accident. How to play the festival of light with safety? Here are a few important tips about celebrating Diwali with optimum safety.


Bursting firecrackers is something everyone including children and adults enjoy. To avoid any accident with fire it is recommended that you wear cotton clothes and stay away from synthetic material and nylon clothes. Do not wear loose, hanging clothes. Secure all clothes properly.


You must purchase firecrackers from legal manufacturers and reliable sellers and ensure that you go through the instructions before actually bursting them. Good quality firecrackers reduce the risk of a dangerous mishap. Use a sparkler, agarbatti (incense stick) or long firewood to light a cracker as they keep you at a safe distance and do not possess a naked flame. Wear footwear while lighting fireworks. Keep fireworks stock away while lighting a particular firework.

Instructing children

Before taking your children out in the open to burst crackers, it is highly important for you to instruct them about the usage of firecrackers and educate them about the appropriate ways to do so. Keep small children away from the bursting area.

Fire extinguisher

Having a fire extinguisher in close proximity to the area where you are bursting firecrackers is very essential. Even a bucket of water or sand would be useful to tackle an unexpected fire.

Burst firecrackers in open area

It is critical to note that you must never burst firecrackers in a closed area. Doing so can lead to a massive hazard in case of fire breaking. While igniting aerial fireworks like rockets ensure that they are not facing any opening like an open window, door or an open building which may cause fire accidents.


Photo: The Financial Express
In emergency

A first aid kit should be handy while you or your kids are enjoying the fireworks. In case there is an emergency, it can be treated immediately at home. In case of major burns, after extinguishing the fire, remove all smoldering clothes. Wrap the victim in a clean bed sheet. The patient should be taken to a burn specialist or a major hospital. Don’t panic.

Also read: Celebrating Diwali With Beauty Queen Kalpasa: In Pics
Discarding used fireworks

Dispose of the used firecrackers immediately and carefully. You can either put it in a bucket full of water or put sand on them in order to put out its heat.

Candles and Diyas

Diwali is all about beautiful candles and diyas spreading their light and happiness. However, keeping lit candles and diyas at home can cost you dearly at times. You must make sure that there aren’t any curtains or inflammable materials close to them.

Pet Safety

Pets are a part of the family for animal lovers. But Diwali can be an agonizing time for the animals due to the extreme noise all around. Try to sensitize your pet to the noises by playing similar sounds beforehand. Also, try not to leave your pet alone and do keep them away from firecrackers.


It is important to celebrate festivals with utmost sensitivity and care. Using firecrackers that do not create a lot of noise can be the first step towards being sensitive to your fellow neighbors and friends. Too much noise pollution can be harmful to everyone, especially senior citizens.

Spread happiness this Diwali and celebrate this beautiful festival joyously with your loved ones and keep them and yourself safe.

Photo: Travelogy India
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